Invest in high-impact professional and personal development

Whether you are a leader wanting to grow a team or individual, or you are a professional investing in your own growth. We can work together through coaching or thought-partnering.


Guided by questions

No ‘right’ answers

Fully about client

Uncover the resources, knowledge and clarity the client already has themselves but was unable to tap into.


or Thought-Partnering

Share advice and expertise

Consider best practices

Based on mentor profile

Provide new resources, ideas and solutions that the client would likely not have without provided suggestions

Four options for individual coaching and thought-partnering

  • Achieve a career goal

    Clearly articulate the goal and who the client needs to be to achieve the goal.

    We work together to build the required mindset, skills and practical routine.

    This can be a structured approach with a set program outline or a more flexible approach where the client decides the focus of sessions on the day.

  • Build specific skills

    We align the desired skills to the client’s values and natural working style, and translate this to day-to-day behavior and actions.

    We work through any challenges and accelerate their progress and learning.

    This pathway may extend beyond coaching into a thought-partnering role, depending on existing maturity of skills.

  • Lead through change

    Support managers through a company transformation or individual role change with a combination of coaching and thought-partnering.

    Align individual goals with the team and company goals, and establish new ways of working that achieve and maintain productivity and wellbeing for the manager and their team.

  • Deliver strategic impact

    Gain a confidential second opinion and pair of eyes to test ideas, brainstorm options, rehearse presentations.

    Bring in a strategic thought-partner and ally to support the client in delivering strategic priorities, while increasing their effectiveness and impact.

“The coaching helped me to 1) see where I stand right now in different aspects of my life, and what my ideal life looks like. This opened my eyes to see I had a huge delta with where I want to be. 2) define my values as individual, to know what is important to me and to make sure I take action, based on what is important to me. 3) define what I wanted to do with my job. To set new goals to progress with my career.

I’m happy to say that this coaching enabled me to make one of the biggest decisions in my career life so far.”

- Andika Nur Ekaputri
Regional Director at EF English First

“I really value having had the opportunity to take part in personalized coaching sessions with Evelien.

Being relatively new to the idea of coaching, I wasn’t 100% sure what to expect, but I can confidently say that it was a valuable experience and one that I would highly recommend to others. Being able to take a step back, to intentionally reflect and review, was so beneficial.

Evelien helped to provide clarity on a number of issues, which, without the coaching, may not have been considered or addressed at all. Having completed the coaching, I can say that I now have more clarity around where I am and where I want to go. Thanks again Evelien.”

- Tom Witenden
Principal at Cire Community School

Curious to learn more?

Schedule your Introduction Call now to explore the options.

  • Get clear on what is going on for you and the outcome you are seeking;

  • Come up with specific actions to start working towards the target outcomes;

  • Discuss options to work together and ask any questions.

“Working with Evelien has helped unlock a sense of agency over my career and helped shift my thinking about my relationship to work.

Evelien was fantastic in helping me both uncover and then clearly prioritise my professional goals. Not only that, she fostered an environment in which we were able to co-create a set of tools to help tactically communicate these goals to the right people at the right time.

In this way, it’s been a big shift from guess-culture to ask-culture, where preferences are more clearly stated and I feel I can act & react to new challenges with more certainty.”

- James Barklamb
Associate at Boston Consulting Group

“I was really struggling with Imposter Syndrome. I had started a new job and I was worried about my performance review. We looked at my values at work - which was a new concept for me - the rules around my values and what I say to myself. It was a great exercise to deconstruct my unconscious behaviors and self-talk.

After a couple of sessions with Evelien, I felt so much more confident at work. Now I know when I start to talk negatively to myself, I stop myself and I change my mindset and framework. And that really helps me. I feel so much more confident at work.”

- Dr Izzy Onal
Consultant at Boston Consulting Group